Guarnaccia Bianca

Guarnaccia Bianca

購買葡萄酒 土人 - (本地)


葡萄品種 Guarnaccia Bianca
同義詞 uarnaccia, cannamelu.
葡萄色 白葡萄
初始蔓延 土人
成熟期 Second fortnight in September.
生產率 Adjust
產區 The Guarnaccia grape variety is a smaller grape variety in the Calabria region, where it is very little cultivated, apart from its electoral zone, namely the province of Cosenza.
歷史 There is no reliable news of its origin, although it is likely to be of Sicilian origin.
識別葡萄品種特徵 分類 Leaf: medium, pentagonal, sometimes orbicular; Trilobata, with the lower lobes just mentioned; Petiole breast open or closed; Lateral veins larger than or equal to V narrow or more or less closed, sometimes closed with overlapping edges; Flat lobby; Corner at the top of the obtuse terminal lobes; Green-bottle color top, slightly wavy surface, glabrous or with scarce arachnoid hairs along the main or near ribbed, opaque; Bottom-light, sub-lantern (including 1st and 2nd order ribs); The main green ribs, both on the top and the bottom; Protruding those of 1st, 2nd and 3rd order; Flaps thick, flat or slightly bent; Teeth on slightly concave margins, some on one side concave and on the other convex; Irregular, very pronounced; On an average broad basis. Bunch: medium, elongated, conical, simple or with a wing, medium compact; Average length of bunch cm 17; Visible peduncle, herbaceous; Medium, green pedicel, with obvious strands, greenish; Short brush, straw yellow-yellow, easy to separate from the acino. Acino: medium, sub-spheroid, regular, with regular cross-section (circular); Color peel from green to whitish to yellow-amber, regularly distributed, very prune, medium and consistent; Persistent navel; Juicy pulp, with special flavor of muscat, colorless juice.
特色酒 The wine obtained from the white grape variety is of straw yellow color. On the palate it is intense, fine.
筆記 Resistance to meteoric, disease and parasitic adversity: Resists to oid and mildew; Does not withstand dry and frozen.

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